What Is a Novation Agreement in Real Estate

Novation Agreement in Real Estate: A Comprehensive Overview

Buying and selling real estate properties involves a lot of paperwork and legal processes. One of the terms that may come up during the process is a novation agreement. This document is an important legal instrument in real estate transactions that is often overlooked but has far-reaching implications. So, what is a novation agreement in real estate, and why is it important? In this article, we delve into the basics of what you need to know about novation agreements in real estate.

Understanding Novation Agreement

A novation agreement is a legal document that allows parties involved in a contract to replace or substitute an existing obligation with a new one. It is a common feature in real estate transactions, which involves transferring property ownership from the seller to the buyer. In real estate, novation agreements are used to transfer mortgage obligations from the seller to the buyer.

A novation agreement is typically used in situations where the buyer of a real estate property wants to assume the mortgage liability of the seller. In most cases, the buyer doesn`t want to obtain a new loan to finance the property purchase but prefers to take over the existing mortgage of the seller. In such instances, a novation agreement is used to transfer the mortgage obligation from the seller to the buyer.

How Does Novation Agreement Work in Real Estate?

To better understand how a novation agreement works in real estate, we`ll use an example. Suppose you are a property buyer, and you have found a house you like. The seller has a mortgage on the property that has a balance of $200,000. You don`t want to apply for a new mortgage, but you want to assume the seller`s mortgage obligation. Therefore, the seller, buyer, and the lender involved in the transaction must draft a novation agreement.

The novation agreement will include terms that specify the buyer`s obligations to assume the existing mortgage. In addition, it will outline the seller`s responsibilities and obligations in the transaction. Once the novation agreement is signed, the buyer becomes responsible for the balance of the mortgage, and the seller is released from the liability.

Why Novation Agreement is Important in Real Estate

Novation agreements are essential in real estate transactions because they outline the legal obligations and responsibilities of all parties involved. They are critical in situations where mortgage obligations are transferred from the seller to the buyer. Without a novation agreement, the buyer may be unable to take over the seller`s mortgage liability, and the sale may fall through.

If you are involved in a real estate transaction that involves a novation agreement, it`s crucial to have a professional guide you through the process. A real estate attorney or a qualified agent can help you understand the implications of the agreement and ensure that the terms are fair and favorable. Remember, a novation agreement is a legal document, and any mistakes or omissions can result in severe consequences.


In conclusion, a novation agreement is an essential document in real estate transactions that allows parties involved to transfer obligations from one party to another. It is commonly used to transfer mortgage obligations from a seller to a buyer. Novation agreements are critical in closing real estate deals, and it`s vital to have them drafted and reviewed by a professional. By understanding what a novation agreement is and how it works, you can ensure a smooth and successful real estate transaction.

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